Do Kids Need Chiropractic?

Nearly every Chiropractor in the world checks and adjusts their own childrens’ spines on a regular basis. Current science and research prove that providing care for a child’s spine and nervous system on a regular basis proves to be one of the most important and necessary strategies a parent can implement for their family’s health. Chiropractors work tirelessly to educate the public about the supreme role of the nervous system in achieving optimal bodily function. Great health requires a healthy spine. Chiropractic adjustments directly influence the health and quality function of the entire body through spinal mobility and alignment.

A 1992 study proved the birth process to be one of the most physically traumatic events a person will encounter in their lifetime. Evidence from the study revealed that the majority of newborns suffer micro-trauma to brain stem tissues. The research noted that harmful physical trauma during the birth process causes misalignment of the upper neck area. The subtle misalignment creates a disturbance to normal nervous system function. The authors studied six hundred children under the age of two years old and found some form of asymmetry of posture, alignment, and/or movement in every infant assessed.
Signs and symptoms attributed directly to interference in the nervous system included breastfeeding difficulties, torticollis, sleeping disorders, loss of appetite, feet deformities, swelling of the face/head, fever of unknown origin, extreme sensitivity of the neck, and parents concerned with their child’s feeding habits. These findings substantiating many other similar studies conducted on adults and babies suffering from upper neck syndromes (called vertebral subluxation) that often exhibited no outward signs or symptoms. The majority of vertebral subluxations occur with no symptoms. Achieving optimal health requires specific testing provided by Chiropractors specifically educated and trained to make corrections necessary for children and adults to thrive.

Studies continue to prove the message Chiropractors have been spreading for over 120 years. All infants, children, and adults deserve to hear the truth about the beneficial link that comes from life lived with properly aligned and mobile spine. Chiropractors believe health care should involve proactive education and care that does not involve unnecessary drugs and surgery. Regular Chiropractic care removes spinal misalignments and asymmetries that inevitably cause dysfunction and dis-ease.

The 1992 study affirmed what Chiropractic research began teaching over a century ago. Doctors should check all children for restricted movement of the head and increased pain sensitivity of the upper cervical spine. Pediatricians and parents alike often remain unaware of this research and receive very little training or guidance on necessary steps required to assess and cultivate an infant’s healthy spine and nervous system.
Chiropractic does not simply help reduce or eliminate pain. Chiropractors pursue the optimization of body function in every individual by proactively unlocking the body’s innate potential to prevent pain and disease from ever occurring. An adjustment empowers the nervous system to operate as intended. Health care exists not just when pain subsides but when abundant life flows freely through the body.

Journal of Manual MedicineJue (No. 6) 1992, pp151-156
“Kinematic Imbalances Due To Suboccipital Strain in Newborns.”
H. Biedermann

Our New Activator 5!

Hi! Dr Sandhu here, hope you have all recovered from the excitement from last night, what an incredible display of the power of our weather. I must say I’m really excited as I have just received my brand new Activator 5! Another example of our continual drive to give the best chiropractic adjust possible to our patients!

The Activator Method is one of the most widely-researched chiropractic techniques and the only instrument adjusting technique with clinical trials to support its efficacy. Activator Methods has published hundreds of clinical and scientific peer-reviewed papers, worked with major academic research institutions, and received grants from recognized entities like the National Institutes of Health.

Activator 5

  • Utilizes a force wave that allows deeper penetration of the force without discomfort to the patient.
  • Recognized for superior control of speed, force, and direction of thrust.
  • Perfect for use on the more tender areas of the body, due to the light, pre-load spring.
  • Ideal for treating Cervicals, TMJ, Children, Geriatrics, and small body frames utilizing the #1 setting.










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Exercise for Your Bone Health

Why Exercise?

Like muscle, bone is living tissue that responds to exercise by becoming stronger. Young women and men who exercise regularly generally achieve greater peak bone mas20100528-swimsuit-workout-push-press-600x411s (maximum bone density and strength) than those who do not. For most people, bone mass peaks during the third decade of life. After that time, we can begin to lose bone. Women and men older than age 20 can help prevent bone loss with regular exercise. Exercising allows us to maintain muscle strength, coordination, and balance, which in turn helps to prevent falls and related fractures. This is especially important for older adults and people who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis.

  The Best Bone Building Exercise

The best exercise for your bones is the weight-bearing kind, which forces you to work against gravity. Some examples of weight-bearing exercises include weight training, walking, hiking, jogging, climbing stairs, tennis, and dancing. Examples of exercises that are not weight-bdownload (7)earing include swimming and bicycling. Although these activities help build and maintain strong muscles and have excellent cardiovascular benefits, they are not the best way to exercise your bones.

Exercise Tips

If you have health problems—such as heart trouble, high blood pressure, diabetes, or obesity—or if you are age 40 or older, check with your doctor before you begin a regular exercise program.

According to the Surgeon General, the optimal goal is at least 30 minutes of physical activity on most days, preferably daily.

Listen to your boimages (3)dy. When starting an exercise routine, you may have some muscle soreness and discomfort at the beginning, but this should not be painful or last more than 48 hours. If it does, you may be working too hard and need to ease up. Stop exercising if you have any chest pain or discomfort, and see your doctor before your next exercise session.

If you have osteoporosis, ask your doctor which activities are safe for you. If you have low bone mass, experts recommend that you protect your spine by avoiding exercises or activities that flex, bend, or twist it. Furthermore, you should avoid high-impact exercise to lower the risk of breaking a bone. You also might want to consult with an exercise specialist to learn the proper progression of activity, how to stretch and strengthen muscles safely, and how to correct poor posture habits. An exercise specialist should have a degree in exercise physiology, physical education, physical therapy, or a similar specialty. Be sure to ask if he or she is familiar with the special needs of people with osteoporosis.

A Complete Osteoporosis Program

Remember, exercise is only one part of an osteoporosis prevention or treatment program. Like a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, exercise helps strengthen bones at any age. But proper exercise and diet may not be enough to stop bone loss caused by medical conditions, menopause, or lifestyle choices such as tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption. It is important to speak with your doctor about your bone health. Discuss whether you might be a candidate for a bone mineral density test. If you are diagnosed with low bone mass, ask what medications might help keep your bones strong.

This Halloween Take Care of Your Skeleton!

halloweenHappy Halloween!  This year, while ghosts and goblins lurk outside, look within – to your own skeleton.  Bone health is an essential, yet often ignored, component of a winning wellness plan.  Taking care of your bones can scare off a host of frightening conditions such as osteoporosis, back pain, fractures and arthritis.

This Halloween, join Dr. Surinder Sandhu here at our Bedford chiropractic clinic in focusing on bone health.  Read on to learn about the revolutionary chiropractic formula for making your skeleton smile.

Spooky Subluxations

The foundation of the chiropractic approach to bone health is the correction of dysfunctional areas in the spine.  These areas, called vertebral subluxations, arise when movement is restricted or bones (vertebrae) are misaligned.

Vertebral subluxations are linked with a myriad of conditions including back pain, neck pain, headache and carpal tunnel syndrome.  One study found that 84% of patients with migraine or tension headache had at least 2 major vertebral subluxations in their upper neck (Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics 1992;15;418-29).  Another investigation tracked 59 people with sciatic pain.  When doctors of chiropractic just like Dr. Surinder Sandhu here at our Bedford chiropractic clinic evaluated these patients, they showed signs of vertebral subluxation in their low-backs.

Additional reports suggest a possible link between vertebral subluxations and premenstrual syndrome, asthma, ear infection, bedwetting, high blood pressure and sinusitis.

Chiropractors like Dr. Surinder Sandhu aour Bedford chiropractor, correct vertebral subluxations with gentle manoeuvres called chiropractic adjustments.  A wealth of scientific studies show that chiropractic adjustments safely and effectively correct spinal dysfunction – and the disorders associated with it.

How Scary Is Your Posture?

Posture is the key to a sound skeleton. Poor posture spurs structural imbalances, inciting bone disease.  When the spine is out of alignment, a straightening or reversal of the back’s natural curves occurs.  This leads to conditions such as “military neck” “hunch back” and “sway back.”

Structural imbalances like these alter the natural motion of the spine, leading to degeneration and osteoarthritis.  Imbalance spines are also predisposed to injury from repetitive work or sports activities.  In fact, many “injury-prone” individuals aren’t mepoor-posture-exercises-to-improverely unlucky – they have postural discrepancies.

Poor posture doesn’t just affect the spine, it influences the entire skeleton.  For instance, imbalances in the spine often cause one hip to rise slightly, raising up the adjoining leg.  During walking or running, the legs receive a disproportionate amount of force – triggering injury.

Dr. Sandhu our Bedford chiropractor teaches patients simple “posture checks” to monitor their spinal alignment.  When posture is askew, patients learn to regain alignment – and prevent future posture problems – through chiropractic adjustments, ergonomic modifications and exercise.  Patients enjoy more attractive stances, warding off bone disorders while enhancing self-confidence.

Things That Go Creak in the Night

Are your joints haunted by lack of motion?  Restricted joints are starved of the fluids and nutrients that keep joints healthy – putting them on a collision course with a number of agonizing conditions, such as chronic back or neck pain.  What’s worse, long-term restricted range of motion, due to injury or a sedentary lifestyle, magnifies the risk of osteoarthritis

Chiropractic cdownload (5)are can help you steer clear of this collision course.  Range of motion (ROM) problems are associated with vertebral subluxations.  Chiropractic adjustments effectively correct vertebral subluxations, promoting optimal ROM.  In one study, investigators measured neck ROM prior to chiropractic adjustment, and then again 30 to 45 minutes following the procedure.  Chiropractic adjustments to the side of the neck, where motion was restricted, produced a “dramatic reduction” in ROM restriction (Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics;1989;126:419-27).  Over time, chiropractic adjustments stimulate long-term ROM corrections.

In addition to chiropractic adjustments, chiropractors recommend custom-tailored exercises;  designed to encourage optimal ROM.  Regular workouts are an integral part of the chiropractic approach to bone health.  Exercise has been shown to boost skeletal integrity by increasing bone density.  Especially helpful are “impact” or “weight-bearing” sports such as power-walking, running, volleyball, soccer, kickboxing and weightlifting.  These activities subject the skeleton to mild trauma.  Bones respond to this trauma by becoming stronger.

People who suffer from joint pain and other skeletal problems often turn to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as asprin, ketoprofen (Orudis) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin and Nuprin).  However, research indicates that these medications can actually aggravate joint de-generation and cause other health problems.  According to one study, “Given the detrimental effects of NSAIDs on joints and other organs, their use should be discouraged and their classification as a first-choice conservative treatment should be abolished.”  (Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics 1997;20:400-14.)

 Frighten Away 

Scientific studies show that certain foods, including sugar, hasten bone degeneration – while other foods boost bone health.  Bone-eroding foods include refined sugar, grains and flour, processed foodimages (2)s, foods containing additives like EDTA, caffeine, soda, sodium-rich foods and meat.

On the other hand, bone-building foods include fruits and vegetables; whole grains and high-fiber foods; fish with edible bones, soy products, low-fat dairy products, raw nuts and seeds.  When it comes to dietary supplements, calcium is the most well known bone-boosting supplement.  However, simply choosing a calcium supplement off the drugstore shelf – without doing your homework – may give you nothing but a false sense of security.

First, look for a calcium citrate formulation.  According to scientific research, calcium citrate is more potent than other forms of the mineral.  For example, one study compared subjects who took calcium carbonate.  Findings revealed that the blood calcium levels of participants taking calcium citrate were 2.5 times higher than those taking calcium carbonate.  These findings indicate that the body is better able to use calcium citrate than calcium carbonate.  Many experts also caution that calcium be taken in conjunction with magnesium for optimal effectiveness.  In addition to calcium, other bone boosting supplements include vitamin D, potassium, vitamin K, manganese, zinc and antioxidant vitamins.

While calcium is the most popular supplement used to prevent osteoporosis, glucosamine and chondroitin sulphates are the most celebrated anti-osteoarthritis remedies.  These supplements prompt the growth and repair of damaged joint cartilage by stimulating the production of two connective tissue building blocks – glycosaminoglycans and hyaluronic acid (Alternative Medicine Review 1998;3:27-39).  By keeping joints healthy, glucosamine and chondroitin protect surrounding bones from degeneration.  Other potent all-natural, anti-inflammatory, agents include the pineapple enzyme bromelain, flavonoids, curcumin (the active ingredient in the spice turmeric), and thyme and fish oil.

Skip the Tricks and Treat Yourself to A Chiropractic Check-up

This Halloween, don’t get spooked by thoughts of future bone disease.  Turn to your doctor of chiropractic for sound advice on how to prevent skeletal disorders.  Don’t delay – schedule an appointment with Dr. Surinder Sandhu here at our Bedford Chiropractic clinic for a Consultation today.  It’s just the treat that will keep the trick knees, trick backs and other trick skeletal flaws away. Halloween!

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A great way to start your day with YOGA!

A great way to start your day with YOGA!

8 reasons why yoga is so good for you:

1. Lowers stress and improves your mood
Some yoga methods use specific meditation techniques to focus the mind on your breathing that quietens the constant ‘mind chatter’, relieves stress and allows you to feel relaxed. Practising yoga can also boost oxygen levels to the brain, leaving you feeling happier and more content with everyday life.
2. Boosts confidence
Aside from the uplifting spiritual values, the act of meditation can actually boost your confidence. The process works by releasing tension from your mind so you can feel confident about your physical body. Without any forms of anxiety, you are able to establish an internal connection with yourself. This is consequently reflected in your perception of others and will help to better your relationships by improving compassion and awareness.
3. Lowers the risk of injury
Exercise, such as running, is usually a series of rapid, forceful movements, which means that effort is at a maximum and there is a higher risk of injury and increased muscle tension. Often, strenuous exercise also engages an imbalance of opposing muscle groups whereas yoga concentrates on balancing this activity. Yoga unites your body and mind and therefore allows you to move in a way that results in an injury free, healthier you.
4. Helps you lose weight
Being overweight is a sign that there are imbalances in your everyday life and one major contributor to weight gain is excess stress. Practising yoga enables you to bring a deep sense of relaxation to your body and your mind, helping you to de-stress and allowing you to lose weight naturally.
5. Increases flexibility
People often say that they are not flexible enough to do yoga. The truth is it doesn’t matter how tight your muscles are as yoga asana works by safely stretching your muscles and help you to practise it further. Moreover yoga also stretches other soft tissue in the body such as ligaments and tendons, increasing the range of motion in the joints and allowing you to move around more freely.
6. Improves muscle tone and strength
Many yoga asana have a profound effect on your upper body strength, such as the downward and upward dog and the plank focuses on your core. Likewise standing poses strengthen your upper leg muscles and lower back. Essentially any pose will strengthen an area of the body if it is practised in the right way, without putting too much stress on specific muscle groups.
7. Benefits breathing and lowers blood pressure
If you are to practise yoga consistently, your lung capacity will increase as a result of the deep breathing process. This will then have a positive effect on more intense sports that you might be a part of, increasing your stamina and endurance. Furthermore, meditation and calming yoga asana slow down your heart rate which in turn lowers blood pressure and have also been linked with improving the immune system and lowering cholesterol.
8. Improves your posture
By practising yoga you maintain a healthier weight, become more flexible and improve your muscle tone and strength. You will find that your posture will greatly improve because of this. Your abdominals and back muscles can now fully support your weight and you will be able to sit and stand tall, preventing niggling injuries, aches and pains

Chiropractic care and Yoga can complement each other and help to build a strong, stable spine.  Chiropractic works by addressing underlying spinal conditions, and Yoga can be a wonderful and gentle way to build core strength, stabilising the muscles around the lower back.

Combining Chiropractic care with Yoga can increase stability, flexibility and lead to greater body function.

For more info Take a look at our Website!

What Are The Basic Causes Of Breast Cancer?

According to Ayurveda philosophy, breast cancer is a tridoshic (involving all three body humors) disorder of breast tissue. Basic causes for breast cancer could be both hereditary and acquired. Researchers have identified hormonal, lifestyle and environmental factors that may increase your risk of breast cancer.

   Basic Causes of Breast Cancer:


The risk of breast cancer goes up with age.

-Family Historyfamily tree

The risk is higher among women whose close blood relatives have this disease.

-Genetic Rgeneticisk factors

Inherited changes (mutations) in certain genes like BRCA1 and BRCA2 can increase the risk.

breast_cancer   -Personal History Of Breast Cancer

A woman with cancer in one breast has a greater chance of getting another breast cancer (this is different from a return of the first cancer).

races_grande   -Race

Overall, white women are slightly more likely to get breast cancer than African-American women.

28 day menstrual cycle diagram smallMenstrual Periods

Women who began having periods early (before age 12) or who went through menopause (stopped having periods) after the age of 55 have a slightly increased risk of breast cancer.

1012DIEuCoverFig2Dense Breast Tissue

Dense breast tissue means there is more gland tissue and less fatty tissue. Women with denser breast tissue have a higher risk of breast cancer.

Breast radiation early in life

Women who have had radiation treatment to the chest area (as treatment for another cancer) as a child or young adult have a greatly increased risk.

no_smoking_alcohol_thai_sign_poster-r732aceb2f86b4b92b6537d01ec773a71_i3cxj_8byvr_1024-Alcohol And Smoking

The use of alcohol and tobacco smoke is clearly linked to an increased risk of getting breast cancer. Even as little as one drink a day can increase risk.

reason-being-overweightBeing Overweight Or Obese

Being overweight or obese after menopause (or because of weight gain that took place as an adult) is linked to a higher risk of breast cancer.

Natural Remedies For Slim Thighs And Hips

1. Water:

We’ve been told repeatedly about how water is great for the body, skin and more. It can help flush out toxins, helps you stay at your optimum levels and even clears out your acne! You must drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, and ensure you begin your day with a glass of water and end it with one. Consume fruits and vegetables with high water content as the liver requires water to convert fat into energy and also to boost your metabolism. According to research, water increases metabolic rate and accelerates weight loss when consumed with a low calorie diet.

2. Yoga:

Yoga is the best form of exercise, to lose weight, burn fat and stay healthy. However, regular practice is required to perfect the asanas. Yoga also tones the muscles and keeps
the skin firm. Practice the Cobbler’s pose and the bridge pose, which target the hips and thighs.

3. Cardio and strength training:

We all know it, but still fail to follow this. A disciplined exercise regime can give you a sculpted body. For cardio, you can get on the treadmill or the stationary bike. For strength
training, include squats and curls to target the hips and thighs.

4. Coconut oil massage:

The nutrients in coconut oil strengthen the skin tissue and also help you lose extra fat from the body. Coconut oil also increases your metabolism, and lowers cholesterol levels. Massage the hips and thighs with coconut oil for about 10 minutes daily. The fatty acids in coconut oil get absorbed in the body and get converted into energy.

5. Apple cider vinegar:

ACV helps flush out the toxins from the body, assists in the breakdown of fat and also controls the amount of glucose released in your body after you eat.  So, mix 3 parts of raw apple cider vinegar with 1 part of olive or coconut oil. Massage and leave for 30 minutes.
Do this twice a day.

Processed meats could negatively impact male fertility!

‘Cut out the sausage’ sums up much of the headline advice following recent research into meat consumption and fertility. Research by scientists from Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in the US, and Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China, studied the sperm of 141 men who were attending a fertility clinic. It was found that fertilisation rates in the laboratory were lower for men who consumed a diet high in processed meat. Sperm from men who ate more chicken, had a higher success rate.

The research, funded by the US National Institutes for Health and the China Scholarship Council, stopped short of making any firm recommendations, concluding instead that further research was required. While the study took into account confounding factors known to affect fertility, such as BMI or consumption of caffeine, it did not look at other lifestyle factors that may impact fertility.

The carbs vs fat debate has reignited following a recent study by scientists at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) in the US. Since the publication of low-fat diets such as The Hip and Thigh diet in the late ‘80s, followed by the low-carb Atkins and Dukan diets, the jury has been constantly out on whether eating fewer carbohydrates or less fat is better for weight loss.

However in this latest study, it was found that subjects given a low-fat diet experienced a body fat loss at a staggering rate of 68 per cent higher than those given a low-carb diet. The small study, conducted on 19 non-diabetic, obese men and women gave subjects either low-fat or low carb calorie-equivalent diets. But although the low-fat diet produced higher weight-loss results, it did not have the same impact on insulin production or fat burning. The low-carb diet not only produced weight loss, but also lowered production of the fat-regulating hormone insulin and increased fat burning as expected, whereas fat restriction had no observed changes in insulin production or fat burning.

“Compared to the reduced-fat diet, the reduced-carb diet was particularly effective at lowering insulin secretion and increasing fat burning, resulting in significant body fat loss,” said Kevin Hall, PhD, NIDDK senior investigator and leadstudy author. “But interestingly, study participants lost even more body fat during the fat-restricted diet, as it resulted in a greater imbalance between the fat eaten and fat burned. These findings counter the theory that body fat loss necessarily requires decreasing insulin, thereby increasing the release of stored fat from fat tissue and increasing the amount of fat burned by the body.”

Participants stayed at a clinical unit for 24 hours per day for two extended visits, eating the same food and doing the same activities. For the first five days of each visit they ate a baseline balanced diet. Then for six days, they were fed diets containing 30 per cent fewer calories, achieved by cutting either only total carbs or total fat from the baseline diet, while eating the same amount of protein. They switched diets during the second visit.

But before you ditch the healthy fats from your fridge, it is thought that the gap between the two diets would eventually close over time. NIDDK said that researchers had previously simulated the study with a mathematical model of human metabolism, whose body fat predictions matched the data later collected in the study. When simulating what might happen over longer periods, the model predicted relatively small differences in body fat loss with widely varying ratios of carbs to fat. Those results suggested the body may eventually minimise differences in body fat loss when diets have the same number of calories. Also, further research would be needed to assess the physiological effects and health implications of fat and carb reduction in the long term.

A recent Canadian study has concluded that saturated fats do not pose the risk to health found with trans fats. The research, carried out at McMaster University, the University of Toronto, St Michael’s Hospital Toronto, Hamilton Health Sciences, and the Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, and published in the BMJ, looked at 70 previous studies but found no evidence that eating higher amounts of saturated fat, compared to low amounts, raised the risk of death, heart disease, stroke or diabetes. This contrasted against conclusions that eating more trans fats was linkedto an increased risk of death or heart disease.

While some headlines following the research have suggested eating more saturated fats could be healthy the study, which was funded by the World Health Organization, does not conclude this. The authors stated that further research was needed to examine the implications of fat consumption, because the results were based on observational studies that did not establish cause and effect.

According to the NHS, however, trans fats, which were typically found in processed foods, have been almost eliminated from the UK food chain, following previous fears of the impact on human health. The NHS website states: “In fact, due to the negative publicity surrounding trans fats in recent years, food manufactures have virtually removed trans fats from the UK food chain. Most brands of margarine now contain no, or only trace elements, of trans fats.” [1]


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Popular Exercise Found To Accelerate Aging And Cause Middle-Age Weight Gain

Surprisingly, not all exercises are good for you. In fact, recent studies have discovered that exercises once considered to be an effective way to trim belly fat, get lean & fit and look younger… have now been shown to cause middle-age belly fat, loss of lean toned muscle and inflammation that causes you to age faster.

Chronic Cardio Ages Your FasterDid you know that after the age of 35 your body hormonal changes and you start to gain weight easier… especially around your stomach area? Not only that, you also begin to lose lean muscle tone, making you weaker and flabbier?

And did you know that doing MORE only makes things worse?  By that I mean exercising more than you are now and being even more strict with your diet… only adds to your frustrations!

The reason for all this can be blamed on your diminishing levels of youth-enhancing hormones… particularly growth hormones.  And unfortunately it’s largely a natural process that occurs as you age.

A gradual and progressive hormonal decline that usually begins around middle age and continues insidiously for the rest of your life, which is why it’s sometimes referred to as the “middle-age spread”.

And some of the most annoying symptoms of the middle-age spread is an increase in belly fat and the loss of lean muscle tone that results in a dumpy, shapeless middle-age body.  It’s no coincidence that most people over 40 stop wearing form fitting clothes.

And to top it off, it doesn’t help that life gets busier as you get older as well.  Between family and work, most people don’t have time to do anything else, let alone take care of themselves.  An over worked and over stressed life is another big culprit that adds even more pounds to your already compromised aging body.

Now you may not be able to stop aging …yet, but you CAN slow the aging process and actually REVERSE the effects of the middle-age spread.  And I’m not talking about having to take anti-aging pills or hormone supplements.  Nope.  It’s much safer and more effective.

Research has discovered that your body has the ability to re-stimulate lagging youth-enhancing hormones naturally.

And it all begins with these 3 key principles you must apply in order to regain control of your body’s accelerated aging process and stop the middle-age spread dead in it’s tracks.

Now I need to warn you… what you’re about to read is probably going to go against all of the exercise and diet advice you’ve been told, but that’s because very few people actually know how to effectively re-activate hormones responsible for stopping and reversing the effects of the middle-age spread.

These next steps will reveal the 3 things you MUST AVOID if you want to burn off unwanted age-related stomach fat, regain lost muscle tone and get your lean and fit.

1. Cardio

Chronic cardio ages you faster

Chronic cardio increases belly fat and speeds aging.

Too many people think that cardio is the answer to everything related to weight-loss and fat-loss.  But current studies prove otherwise… doing conventional long cardio overtaxes your body and increases the production of stress hormone “cortisol”, which causes you to gain belly fat.

Studies have also found that doing long frequent cardio sessions break down your lean muscles and increase the production of free radicals.  Free radicals are nasty little molecules that damage cells in your body and cause chronic inflammation that accelerates aging and lead to serious diseases.

So if you’ve been pounding away on a treadmill, cranking away on a stationary bike or slaving away on some other cardio machine… you need to STOP.  There’s a much better way….

In a minute, I’ll show you the most effective way to burn off stubborn stomach fat, without experiencing any of the negative side effects of conventional cardio.

2. Sleep

Lack of sleep causes stubborn middle-age belly fat

As you get older and busier, getting enough sleep becomes a BIG issue.  Although your body is resilient and can handle a lot of stress, there’s one thing it can NOT cope well without… and that’s sleep.

In fact, when you’re sleep deprived your body becomes overwhelmed with stress hormone “cortisol”, which loves to deposit fat in and around your belly.

And unfortunately, you can’t exercise or diet your way to a flat stomach, if cortisol is the cause of your problem.  You need to get quality sleep… period.

Here are 2 simple steps you can take to get better sleep starting tonight…

  1. Get some room-darkening shades or put a dark blanket up over your windows—especially if you live in the city!  This will ensure that you maximize melatonin (sleep hormone) production to improve the quality of sleep.
  2. Try to fall asleep between 10:30 and 11:00 pm.  Your melatonin (sleep hormone) levels peak during that small window of time, which means it’s you best chance of falling asleep faster.  It’s also the most effective way to get into deep REM sleep, giving you a much better quality of sleep.

Try these simple effective tips to help you get better sleep tonight, so you can restore normal cortisol levels in your body and start burning of your stubborn belly fat once in for all.

3. Ab Exercises

Sit ups DO NOT get rid of stomach fat

Sit-ups and crunches DO NOT effectively reduce your belly fat.

If you want to get rid of those pesky age-related stomach weight, you have to get to the source of the problem.

Unfortunately, doing ab-targeted exercises like sit ups, crunches and side bends will do absolutely nothing to help you get rid of your ab flab, because it’s not getting at the heart of the problem.

In fact, doing excessive ab-targeted moves can injure to your low back by causing unnecessary stress on your spine.  This may come as a surprise but the purpose of your ab muscles is to PREVENT excessive bending and twisting.

Bottom line… don’t waste your time doing typical ab exercises

The cause of fat accumulation in your stomach area is due to hormonal changes in your body that occur as you get older.  That means you have to stimulate the right biochemical processes in your body to trigger the youth-enhancing hormones that enable you to burn off your stubborn belly fat.  And that’s exactly what I’ll reveal next…

You’ll discover a scientifically proven way that re-activates your lagging hormones to effectively slow the aging process and burn off stubborn middle-age stomach fat.

But I need to warn you this method I’m about to show you is NOT for everyone!

For example:

  • If you enjoy spending hours working out, socializing with other gym rats… this is NOT for you.
  • If you THINK you can run, cycle or do other forms of cardio for hours to burn off belly fat… this is NOT for you.
  • If you’re not willing to workout hard for a VERY short period of time to get the best result possible… this is NOT for you.

Here’s the truth… the KEY to this scientifically-proven method is based on doing specific exercises performed at HIGH INTENSITY for a very short duration.

These essential factors combined together elicit a powerful physiological response that floods your body with anti-aging and fat-burning hormones – so you can burn off ALL of your middle-age stubborn belly fat and get a lean toned body…. in the quickest way possible.

Your results are intensity dependent… not time dependent.  So you’ve got to be willing to give it your best effort .  But if you are, you will reap the rewards of a leaner, fitter and more youthful body.

Most people are simply unaware that your body has the amazing potential to slow down aging and stop the middle-age spread on it’s own.  Your body is already equipped with the essential hormones, enzymes, and neurons to make this work.

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essential hormones, enzymes, and neurons to make this work.

Do This One Thing Every Morning To Jumpstart Weight Loss

Do This One Thing Every Morning To Jumpstart Weight Loss!

In response to these toxins, our bodies produce mucous or fat to prevent an immune response from occurring. The fat stores the toxins.

Sounds pretty gross doesn’t it?

Our body has some pretty amazing functions. It has a natural ability to protect itself. Our systems can detox and repair. If they are extremely blocked you can experience major illness.

– This could be the extra 15 lbs of body weight that you struggle to lose?
– This could also be the cause of your generalized fatigue, poor digestion, weakened immune system and food intolerance.
– This could be the most basic cause of your troubles. The reason you fail to cut lose that muffin top.

The purpose of this post is to give you a simple strategy to start the weight loss process. Something you can do in your own home with the right ingredients. Don’t over think it. Just do it.

It’s called the Morning Lemon Elixir.

Make this first thing in the morning before eating. Try to use real ingredients if possible instead of the their processed counterparts.

– 1 cup room temperature water
– Juice 1 lemon (I use a hand press from Crate & Barrel)
– 1 teaspoon Bragg’s raw apple cider vinegar
– 1 teaspoon raw honey OR a couple drops of stevia
– 1/2 inch of fresh ginger root or 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
(Use stevia if you are on yeast cleansing or low sugar diet)


If you feel ill or have chest tightness after drinking the morning lemon elixir, cut out the Bragg’s raw apple cider vinegar. This reaction can occur from the body’s releasing of bacteria and unwanted toxins. Continue to drink the lemon elixir, omitting the Bragg’s, for at least three days, and then try to re-introduce or use only ½ teaspoon of the apple cider vinegar. If the reactions continue upon reintroduction, continue to only drink the lemon water.

Awesome effects of Morning Lemon Elixir!!!

If you start your day with the Morning Lemon Elixir your body will respond by increasing your digestive enzymes and stimulate digestion.
Your liver will release toxins. It will flush away fat. (Awesome!!)

– And you will get a healthy dose of vitamin C, potassium and minerals.
– It also controls your weight.
– You blood sugar will begin to regulate.
– Your body will shift it’s pH to become more alkaline.
– Acidity usually comes with inflammation.
– After doing this for a few days, you will start to notice a massive increase in the amount of phlegm released.
– If bloating was a symptom, this should decrease it and allow your stomach to break down your food.

There are so many awesome ways that you can use food to support your body’s natural functions. I know “detox” seems to be a buzz word lately but I’m telling you that you need to if you want to improve your health! You can add on awesome products that amplify and enhance the benefits of detoxing. I use USANA’s Digestive Enzyme and Probiotics daily!

Wow, what a difference!

I feel like my food is properly being absorbed into my body.

Does this post get your fired up about making healthier changes and using food as medicine? It can be easy to detox your body when you have the right coach to guide you through it. That’s where I come in!

I want to make being healthy easy for you! Together we will troubleshoot what you have done in the past and implement your new changes. I will be there to support you along the way.