Popular Exercise Found To Accelerate Aging And Cause Middle-Age Weight Gain

Surprisingly, not all exercises are good for you. In fact, recent studies have discovered that exercises once considered to be an effective way to trim belly fat, get lean & fit and look younger… have now been shown to cause middle-age belly fat, loss of lean toned muscle and inflammation that causes you to age faster.

Chronic Cardio Ages Your FasterDid you know that after the age of 35 your body hormonal changes and you start to gain weight easier… especially around your stomach area? Not only that, you also begin to lose lean muscle tone, making you weaker and flabbier?

And did you know that doing MORE only makes things worse?  By that I mean exercising more than you are now and being even more strict with your diet… only adds to your frustrations!

The reason for all this can be blamed on your diminishing levels of youth-enhancing hormones… particularly growth hormones.  And unfortunately it’s largely a natural process that occurs as you age.

A gradual and progressive hormonal decline that usually begins around middle age and continues insidiously for the rest of your life, which is why it’s sometimes referred to as the “middle-age spread”.

And some of the most annoying symptoms of the middle-age spread is an increase in belly fat and the loss of lean muscle tone that results in a dumpy, shapeless middle-age body.  It’s no coincidence that most people over 40 stop wearing form fitting clothes.

And to top it off, it doesn’t help that life gets busier as you get older as well.  Between family and work, most people don’t have time to do anything else, let alone take care of themselves.  An over worked and over stressed life is another big culprit that adds even more pounds to your already compromised aging body.

Now you may not be able to stop aging …yet, but you CAN slow the aging process and actually REVERSE the effects of the middle-age spread.  And I’m not talking about having to take anti-aging pills or hormone supplements.  Nope.  It’s much safer and more effective.

Research has discovered that your body has the ability to re-stimulate lagging youth-enhancing hormones naturally.

And it all begins with these 3 key principles you must apply in order to regain control of your body’s accelerated aging process and stop the middle-age spread dead in it’s tracks.

Now I need to warn you… what you’re about to read is probably going to go against all of the exercise and diet advice you’ve been told, but that’s because very few people actually know how to effectively re-activate hormones responsible for stopping and reversing the effects of the middle-age spread.

These next steps will reveal the 3 things you MUST AVOID if you want to burn off unwanted age-related stomach fat, regain lost muscle tone and get your lean and fit.

1. Cardio

Chronic cardio ages you faster

Chronic cardio increases belly fat and speeds aging.

Too many people think that cardio is the answer to everything related to weight-loss and fat-loss.  But current studies prove otherwise… doing conventional long cardio overtaxes your body and increases the production of stress hormone “cortisol”, which causes you to gain belly fat.

Studies have also found that doing long frequent cardio sessions break down your lean muscles and increase the production of free radicals.  Free radicals are nasty little molecules that damage cells in your body and cause chronic inflammation that accelerates aging and lead to serious diseases.

So if you’ve been pounding away on a treadmill, cranking away on a stationary bike or slaving away on some other cardio machine… you need to STOP.  There’s a much better way….

In a minute, I’ll show you the most effective way to burn off stubborn stomach fat, without experiencing any of the negative side effects of conventional cardio.

2. Sleep

Lack of sleep causes stubborn middle-age belly fat

As you get older and busier, getting enough sleep becomes a BIG issue.  Although your body is resilient and can handle a lot of stress, there’s one thing it can NOT cope well without… and that’s sleep.

In fact, when you’re sleep deprived your body becomes overwhelmed with stress hormone “cortisol”, which loves to deposit fat in and around your belly.

And unfortunately, you can’t exercise or diet your way to a flat stomach, if cortisol is the cause of your problem.  You need to get quality sleep… period.

Here are 2 simple steps you can take to get better sleep starting tonight…

  1. Get some room-darkening shades or put a dark blanket up over your windows—especially if you live in the city!  This will ensure that you maximize melatonin (sleep hormone) production to improve the quality of sleep.
  2. Try to fall asleep between 10:30 and 11:00 pm.  Your melatonin (sleep hormone) levels peak during that small window of time, which means it’s you best chance of falling asleep faster.  It’s also the most effective way to get into deep REM sleep, giving you a much better quality of sleep.

Try these simple effective tips to help you get better sleep tonight, so you can restore normal cortisol levels in your body and start burning of your stubborn belly fat once in for all.

3. Ab Exercises

Sit ups DO NOT get rid of stomach fat

Sit-ups and crunches DO NOT effectively reduce your belly fat.

If you want to get rid of those pesky age-related stomach weight, you have to get to the source of the problem.

Unfortunately, doing ab-targeted exercises like sit ups, crunches and side bends will do absolutely nothing to help you get rid of your ab flab, because it’s not getting at the heart of the problem.

In fact, doing excessive ab-targeted moves can injure to your low back by causing unnecessary stress on your spine.  This may come as a surprise but the purpose of your ab muscles is to PREVENT excessive bending and twisting.

Bottom line… don’t waste your time doing typical ab exercises

The cause of fat accumulation in your stomach area is due to hormonal changes in your body that occur as you get older.  That means you have to stimulate the right biochemical processes in your body to trigger the youth-enhancing hormones that enable you to burn off your stubborn belly fat.  And that’s exactly what I’ll reveal next…

You’ll discover a scientifically proven way that re-activates your lagging hormones to effectively slow the aging process and burn off stubborn middle-age stomach fat.

But I need to warn you this method I’m about to show you is NOT for everyone!

For example:

  • If you enjoy spending hours working out, socializing with other gym rats… this is NOT for you.
  • If you THINK you can run, cycle or do other forms of cardio for hours to burn off belly fat… this is NOT for you.
  • If you’re not willing to workout hard for a VERY short period of time to get the best result possible… this is NOT for you.

Here’s the truth… the KEY to this scientifically-proven method is based on doing specific exercises performed at HIGH INTENSITY for a very short duration.

These essential factors combined together elicit a powerful physiological response that floods your body with anti-aging and fat-burning hormones – so you can burn off ALL of your middle-age stubborn belly fat and get a lean toned body…. in the quickest way possible.

Your results are intensity dependent… not time dependent.  So you’ve got to be willing to give it your best effort .  But if you are, you will reap the rewards of a leaner, fitter and more youthful body.

Most people are simply unaware that your body has the amazing potential to slow down aging and stop the middle-age spread on it’s own.  Your body is already equipped with the essential hormones, enzymes, and neurons to make this work.

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essential hormones, enzymes, and neurons to make this work.

Vitamin D

What does vitamin D do?

Vitamin D has several important roles – for example, it helps control the amount of calcium and phosphate in your body, which are needed to keep your bones and teeth healthy.

Having too little vitamin D (a deficiency) can damage the way your body absorbs calcium and phosphorus. In children, this can lead to rickets – a condition that can cause bone deformities, such as bowed legs. In adults, vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets (otherwise known as osteomalacia or weak bones), which can make bones painful and tender.

Where do I get vitamin D?

You get most of your vitamin D from sunlight on your skin. This is because the vitamin forms under your skin in reaction to sunlight. Vitamin D is also found in a small number of foods, including:

  • Oily fish
  • Eggs
  • Fortified foods that have had vitamin D added to them – such as breakfast cereals and powdered milk

Who is at risk of vitamin D deficiency?

Most people can get all the vitamin D they need by eating a healthy, balanced diet and getting a little sunlight. However, the Department of Health recommends a daily vitamin D supplement for the following people:

  • All children aged six months to four years (see below)
  • All pregnant and breastfeeding women
  • All people aged 65 and over
  • people who aren’t exposed to much sun – for example, people who cover up their skin for cultural reasons, or people who are housebound (stay indoors) for long periods of time

Vitamin D for babies and children

The Department of Health and the Chief Medical Officers recommend a dose of 7-8.5 micrograms (approximately 300 units) for all children aged six months to five years.

If you are exclusively breastfeeding your baby, you should give your baby a daily vitamin D supplement from the age of six months.

If your baby is fed with infant formula, you should give them a daily vitamin D supplement if they are drinking less than 500ml (one pint) of formula a day.

If you are breastfeeding your baby and giving them infant formula as well, they will need a daily vitamin D supplement from the age of six months, or if they are drinking less than 500ml (one pint) of formula a day.

You should continue to give your child a vitamin D supplement until they are five years old.

For more information about vitamin D supplements for children, read our page on vitamins for children. If you qualify, you can get free vitamin drops containing vitamin D from Healthy Start vitamins.


The rays of natural sunlight that produce vitamin D in your skin cannot penetrate glass. This means you cannot get vitamin D inside a car or at home.

  1. A person would have to drink ten tall glasses of vitamin D fortified milk each day just to get minimum levels of vitamin D into their diet.
  2. The further you live from the equator, the longer exposure you need to the sun in order to generate vitamin D. Canada, the UK and most U.S. states are far from the equator.
  3. Weak sunscreens (such as SPF 8) can block Vitamin D by up to 95%. This can cause vitamin d deficiency problems and disease if used commonly.
  4. 40% of the U.S. population is vitamin D deficient.
  5. People who are tan require more time in the sun to get vitamin D, because the darker skin pigment blocks the effects of the sun.

Vitamin D Facts

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is a very important vitamin. It helps us absorb calcium and phosphorus, so we can have strong bones. Vitamin D was discovered due to some people having too little of it in their diets, causing a disease called rickets. In our body, sunlight can help produce vitamin D, beginning with our skin, being changed by our liver, and finally becoming the vitamin we can use when our kidney processes it. The vitamin D pills you can get at the store usually need a working liver and kidney to make them useable by the body. Read on for more fun facts about this very important vitamin!

Interesting Vitamin D Facts:

Vitamin D, although extremely important for the health of your bones, also affects other things. It can be important for the immune system, your heart, and may be helpful in fighting certain cancers. It also plays a role in helping muscles move, and helping nerves carry messages throughout the body.

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, this means that it sticks around in our bodies for a while. So getting enough vitamin D is important, but taking too much can make people sick.

Some foods naturally have vitamin D. These include fatty fish (tuna, salmon), beef liver, cheese, egg yolks, and mushrooms.

There are lots of foods that are fortified with vitamin D (means they have vitamin D added). These include milk, breakfast cereals, some orange juice, yogurt, margarine, and some soy drinks.

Low vitamin D levels can be bad for you. Some things low levels of this vitamin can cause include high blood pressure and diabetes. If they are really low, you can get a condition called rickets.

Rickets (the big medical name for this is osteomalacia when it occurs in adults) is a softening of the bones in kids, and leads to bowing out of the legs. It can also cause tender bones, some weakness, easily broken bones, muscle spasms, and if it happens in babies can cause a soft skull.

One of the ways that food is fortified with vitamin D is to shine ultraviolet light on it, which changes some of the chemicals into vitamin D.

Low vitamin D levels are becoming a problem in the United States, and is thought to be due to kids spending more time indoors playing games or watching TV, instead of being outside in the sunshine.

A popular remedy many years ago for rickets was cod liver oil, which is a very good source of both vitamin D and vitamin A.

Being indoors and having the sun shine through windows does not help your body make vitamin D. The glass doesn’t allow the type of light, called ultraviolet B light, to go through.

Sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of 8 or more will block the ultraviolet B light needed for the skin to make vitamin D.

Vitamin D supplements come in two different forms – vitamin D2 and vitamin D3.

How long should we spend in the sun?

There isn’t one recommendation for everyone. This is because the amount of time you need to spend in the sun for your skin to make enough vitamin D depends on a number of factors. These include your skin type (how dark your skin is or how easily you get sunburnt), the time of year and what time of day it is.

Short daily periods of sun exposure without sunscreen during the summer months (April to October) are enough for most people to make enough vitamin D. Evidence suggests that the most effective time of day for vitamin D production is between 11am and 3pm.

A short period of time in the sun means just a few minutes – evidence suggests that about 10 to 15 minutes is enough for most lighter-skinned people – and is less than the time it takes you to start going red or burn.

The larger the area of skin that is exposed to sunlight, the more chance there is of making enough vitamin D before you start to burn.

People with darker skin will need to spend longer in the sun to produce the same amount of vitamin D.

In the UK, our skin isn’t able to make vitamin D from winter sunlight (November to March) as the sunlight hasn’t got enough UVB (ultraviolet B) radiation. During the winter, we get vitamin D from our body’s stores and from food sources.

The longer you stay in the sun, especially for prolonged periods without sun protection, the greater your risk of skin cancer. Remember to cover up or protect your skin before the time it takes you to start turning red or burn. Stay covered up for most of the time you spend outside and use sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15.

Can you have too much vitamin D?

People who take supplements are advised not to take more than 25 micrograms (µg) of vitamin D a day, as intakes from supplements above this amount could be harmful, according to the UK Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals.

The amount of vitamin D contained in supplements is sometimes expressed in international units (IU), where 40 IU equals 1µg of vitamin D.

Your body doesn’t make too much vitamin D from sun exposure, but always cover up or protect your skin before the time it takes you to start turning red or burn.

TIP from BCC : You could be damaging your Body by wearing Flip Flops !

This weeks Tip of the week from Dr Sandhu

Truth about Flip flops
The Truth about Flip Flops !

The summer holidays are in full swing, the weather is holding out (long may that carry on) and England are leading the medal tables in the Commonwealth Games, life is sweet. Whether you are going abroad, staying in the UK or attending sporting events, music festivals and lounging on the beach we all look forward to our summer. Whatever your plans for the summer are though my advice to you as the leading Bedford Chiropractor is to ensure that you pay particular attention to your footwear. What you say, well consider this simple truth the stability and functionality of any structure man made or natural is all dependent on it’s Foundation. Well everyone’s foundation are their feet. Each foot is an incredible structure consisting of 26 bones, 32 joints, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles in EACH FOOT. An incredible amount of components to go wrong. In my experience over 16 years of treating thousands, 98% of my patients who’ve come in with all sorts of symptoms from Knee, Hip, low back and neck pain have problems in their feet.

Check out this video for more information

Flip Flops – Don’t do it !
What most people do in the summer is wear flip flops, you may as well be walking barefoot. Great you say, barefoot in the sun, not good if you have lost the arches in your foot and you are slightly flat footed, we’re talking millimeters here.  So to get more advice about the right footwear and have a full checkup from the feet up why not give us a call, today and save yourself any problems.

Love, Health, Peace, Prosperity & Time Freedom,

Dr Surinder P. Sandhu
0044 7947793830 

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“The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate”
– Dr. Wayne Dyer